

This site is fan made and is an unofficial Ghostbusters site. All visuals belong to their respective owners.




This site is fan made and is an unofficial Ghostbusters site. All visuals belong to their respective owners.


Product Manager

Hey there, it's Elvis Yang. 

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan.I’m transitioning from UIUX designer to product manager. Now focusing on Product Planning, Strategy and Project Management

At SVA, the classes in professional studios from Frog Design, IDEO, and IBM sharpened my professional skills. This experience enabled her to get into the user experience value in technology and commercial fields. 

These multiple design disciplines and leadership cultivation empower my design strategy abilities and inspire my strong passion for connecting and balancing business and user experience value. 

I'm good at communication and organization. My industrial design background and communication skills enable her to analyze people's problems and needs and create the design and strategy for the bigger pictures.

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Always stand up with users and  speak up for them.


I will always look at things from multiple perspectives. And come up with solutions from the comprehensive way.


I am eager to use the creativity to design the cross-national and cross-culture works through intuitive design.

self-taught Amature Photographer
Films Lover,
Figurine Collector,
Bubble Tea Addict.

Got any thoughts?
Drop me a line!

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